Monday, March 21, 2011

2 becomes 3!!!!!!

Yes, you read that right!  Sean, Paige and I are thrilled to announce (FINALLY!!) that we are having another little girl!  Paige's little sister is due to arrive August 5th, however my doctor has informed me that I will go only as far as 39 weeks before I have another c-section. I am a little nervous about that, which is weird because I already had a c-section with Paigey.....but I think knowing the recovery that is to come is what worries me...because this time I'll be doing it with not just a newborn, but with a toddler as well.  But I also know I'll have the help of my family and friends, and I'm very much looking forward to having another girl in our house.  Sean is thrilled beyond words, he love love love LOVES having a daughter, and cannot wait to have another. 

I definitely thought this one was a boy, just from how different I feel carrying this baby.  But when the ultrasound technician told us she was a girl, I was shocked, but ecstatic.  I was blessed with two sisters, and I truly believe every girl should have a sister.....the bond I have with my sisters is like nothing I've ever experienced before. 

I am so excited to share this news with my family, friends, and readers (if you're out there).  I will do my best to write a more in depth entry soon...but for now it's off to potty training....which I've just realized I have not shared with the world yet.  Well I guess I have two new topics for entries to come soon!