Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Induction into the "Mommy of 2" Club

WHEW!!!  What a whirlwind of 12 weeks it has been!  Jocelyn Marie Kenny was born at 10:26am on July 29th.  She weighed 7lbs 10oz, and was 20" long.  I had a scheduled c-section, as my labor with Paige ended in a c-section, and my OB/GYN advised me it was best to have a planned c-section if I did not deliver by 39 weeks.  I was incredibly nervous leaving the house that morning, knowing my life was about to change.  I gave my little Paigey girl one last kiss as my only child, wheeled my suitcase to our car, and away we went.  We (not so) patiently waited for the doctors to get ready, and with one last kiss to my family, I went into the OR for my epidural.  Once that was done, I began feeling SO sick, and couldn't even answer my husband repeatedly asking "Babe are you okay" for fear I would answer with puking all over his feet.  Once I got myself calmed down (God bless medicine) I was fine.  The c-section seemed to take forever, but at long last I heard my baby's cries.  I was thrilled to hear her, and immediately sent Sean to her side to make sure she was okay.  Once I was all stitched up, Jocelyn was weighed, measured, and given a clean bill of health, and we were both moved to our beds, we exited the OR a family of 4. 

Seeing Paige meet Jocelyn for the first time was an experience I will not soon forget.  She was so cute exclaiming to the world that she's a big sister, and instructing her newly born baby sister that we don't spit.  (Note: I tried uploading the video of it, but for some reason couldn't...I'll see if my tech savvy hubby can manage that sometime soon!)

My experience at the hospital was absolutely wonderful.  I was fortunate enough to have met some wonderful nurses, and was very lucky to have developed a great relationship with them.  They were patient with me learning to nurse Jocelyn, they were amazing with Paige, always giving her a "Big Sister" sticker when she came in to visit us, and they were patient with my new bundle of joy, who seemed to love to sleep during the day, and the minute Mommy was ready for bed, would scream to be held and loved. 

I also could not have kept my sanity, or my hormones in check, without my family.  I had an AMAZING support system from the get-go.  My family was with me every step of the way, and went above and beyond without a second thought.  I am so very blessed to have such an amazing (and BIG) family.  They were wonderful with keeping Paige involved, and paid her just as much attention as they did her new sister.  They let me cry, sob, laugh, and sleep without question or judgement.  I had SUCH a hard time starting my breastfeeding journey, and without their love and support, there is not a doubt in my mind that I would have given up and just given Jocelyn formula.  I was able to call my step-mom (who I refer to as my mom, she's absolutely everything to me), day or night, and she was here for me without a second's hesitation.  She cooked, cleaned and held my hand while I cried thinking I would never be able to nurse my little girl.  She celebrated with me when I finally got the hang of it, my milk came in, and our lives became liveable again.  I am so lucky to have such an amazing woman by my side. 

Being a Mommy of 2 is not at all what I thought it would be.  Everyone tells you your second is nothing like your first...which I was looking forward to.  Paige was very colicky, and cried all the time.  She never let me put her down, and rarely slept.  I was hoping for a complete 180 with Jocelyn, but she's so much like her sister.  She loves to be held and snuggled, and will rarely sit in her bouncy chair or swing if I walk out of her sightline.  Although, Paige is arguably the most well behaved 2 year old I know (most of the time), so hopefully my patience during these early months will once again pay off in the long run. 

Paige is absolutely in love with her "Baby Jocie."  Anytime I have something to do with Jocelyn, she's always there to be my "big helper."  She gets diapers, burp cloths, you name it.  I adore my little family, and find myself counting my blessings daily.  I have an amazing support system, a great husband, and two little miracles that make my heart sing.  Seeing them smile and look in my eyes makes EVERY SINGLE WAKING MOMENT worth it.