Sunday, February 6, 2011

Make Me Wanna SCREAM!!!!

Can someone please tell me what happened to my precious little angel that I brought home from the hospital?!?!  I know that things were by NO MEANS the picture of perfection then, but at least she didn't tell me no and throw temper tantrums!  When Paige was a newborn, she had colic, acid reflux, and a milk allergy.  She slept for 2 hours in a 24 hour period, and most times those two sleeping hours were spent on my chest.  I was lucky if I got to shower and eat 3 meals a day.  I was seriously doubting my abilities as a mother.  It was so distressing to not be able to comfort my child.  But, as most things do, it got better.  Once we realized she had a milk allergy, the doctor prescribed Nutramigen, and voila!  She was sleeping through the night, the picture of a perfect child, and everyone complimented me as to how well behaved my child was.  She was going down for a nap with no problem, going to sleep at night with no problem, and sleeping for twelve hours at a time every night.


Now it's agita every single night to get her to go to bed.  (For my Non-Italian readers, agita is heartburn, pains, etc)  She SCREAMS her little head off.  I can't seem to get her to go to bed at a decent hour.  I don't know what I'm doing wrong.  Nothing has changed.  Other than she's without a binky which she's been without for quite some time now.  So I know that cannot be it.  I just can't seem to get her to go to bed.  And it doesn't help that hubby for some reason refuses to back me up when it comes to bedtime.  I think 9:00-9:30 is more than reasonable for a bedtime for her.  She naps during the day, and I will admit, I do need to be more vigilant about waking her up before she's slept most of the afternoon away.  I think we need to start calming her down earlier in the night.  She can't possibly go from 60-0 in the 2 1/2 minutes it takes to change her, give her good night kisses, and put her in her crib.  I just don't know how to convince her to settle down.  I think we need to figure out how to revise our routine to better suit little Paigey.  I'm also wondering if it has something to do with the fact that she's quickly approaching her terrible two's.  In fact, I think they may be rapidly approaching as we speak.  She tells me no, she throws temper tantrums, and I have no idea what to even think about it sometimes.  But I know, like most things, it will get better.  It's just a matter of when!

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