Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Season's Greetings!

So, things may not be any better with the job thing...but I'm honestly giving it the best shot I can.  I am doing everything I can on my end to be patient, and kind, and supportive.  I may fall short sometimes, but I am doing my best.

We finally managed to get our Christmas pictures done...they came out blurry....but they're cute, and totally encompass the dynamic between my two legged child and my four legged child.  I didn't get a chance to send them out yet, because the address book somehow got into Sean's briefcase (I'm imagining little hands had something to do with that), so I addressed them all last night and plan on going to the post office sometime today. As I watch Paige play with all of her toys....which take up an entire half of our den, and are slowly spreading like a vine, and taking over our entire living space...I am reminded of how fun it is to play "Santa" for our daughter.  The reason for the season is in no way lost on me.  I love being reminded of the birth of our Savior, and of the gift of God's Son.  I love showing Paige the Nativity set I have, and showing her Baby Jesus.  I really need to start getting to church more, I think it might bring me a sense of peace that I'm missing in my life.  But I digress.  While I honor and respect the joy that is Christmas, I also absolutely LOVE gift giving.  Especially to Paige.  She's OBSESSED with Santa...and is always pointing him out when we see a picture, doll, or decoration. The thought of seeing her face on Christmas morning is making me just as excited as when I was a kid myself.  The best part about being a Mommy is that, in a way, I get to believe in Santa again.  I get to put out cookies and milk, and a carrot for the reindeer of course, and marvel at the fact that they're all gone in the morning.We get to be kids again.  It's a magical time of year.And I know it's only going to get better.  Regardless of what is going on in our lives, I know that the next few weeks will be spent with family, friends, loved ones, and each other.  No matter what, we're a family, and we love each other.  And there is NOTHING that can change that.  There is nothing that will take away from the magic that is the Christmas season.  And then, we get to have a clean slate, and start over with the New Year.  I know this year is going to bring us many blessings, surprises, and happiness. 

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