Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Cup Overfloweth......

Today is one of those days.  One of the days that I look at my life and wonder how on Earth I got here.  I don't know what I did right to deserve such blessings in my life.  I look back at myself five years ago, and I would never have believed that I would have as much happiness in my heart as I do now. 

I was in what I affectionately call "self destruct mode" before I met Sean.  When he came into my life, it was like I was drowning, and he offered me my first life saving breath.  It sounds cheesy, but it's true.....I had never experienced anything like what he and I share.  Nothing was the same after that first date.  We became inseparable, and fell in love almost immediately.  He is the most wonderful man in the world, and even when we're fighting I know I could never love anyone the way I love him.  He's my better half, my soul mate, and my very best friend

When we found out I was pregnant...our world changed.  First, Sean didn't believe me.  He thought that just because the pregnancy test read positive immediately, we still had to wait the two minutes as directed.  So he paced our bedroom, test in hand, for two minutes before finally coming to his senses and realizing our lives would never be the same.  We had talked about marriage before the news, but decided that we would push the date up....I wanted the same last name on the birth certificate.  And we love each other...we knew we wanted to spend our lives together.  He proposed on Christmas Day...the most magical day of the year in my opinion.....and I gleefully accepted.  

On April 26, 2009, Paige Abigail was born.  After three days of failed labor induction, and a c-section, I held my miracle in my arms.  And I fell in love.  Again.  With my husband, who simply glowed with the love he had for our child, and with my daughter, who in the first three seconds of her life taught me that love can be so deep that you would lay down your life for someone else's.  Within instants I was prepared to do that for her.

Fast forward 18 months.  I still find reasons to fall in love with my family over and over again each and every day.  From "Hi Mommy" every morning to my husband pulling me into his arms at night, I am surrounded with such a feeling over completeness and happiness that words fail me.  I cannot fully put in to words how fortunate I find myself.  How absolutely in love I am with my husband and daughter.  How much I wish I could accurately show them exactly what they mean to me.  They are my world.  My life.  And life is good.

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