Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The first step....

I've never done a blog before, so please forgive me if I ramble, or bore you.  This is my story.  My story of being a stay-at-home wife and Mommy.  I'm not sure what possessed me to start this.  I think it's just so I can have a place to vent, to share my triumphs and defeats, and maybe to get help, and give help in the everyday questions a Mom and wife may have. 

Here's my introduction.  I'm a 26 year old mother of one.  My daughter, Paige, is 16 months old.  I am married to my wonderful husband, Sean, and while we may fight (what couple doesn't?!) I love him with all of my heart and soul.  I by no means have the perfect life, but it's perfect for me.  I often look around at my home, my family, and the life I've created and wonder "What have I done to deserve this?"  Anyone who knew me, really knew me, five years ago never would have imagined that I would have turned my life around so drastically.  I have truly become the person I always wanted to be.  And I'm very proud of that.  I'm proud of walking away from the people that were dragging me down, and for finally deciding not to settle just so I wouldn't be alone.  Only then did I find the person I know I was meant to be with.

Sean and I were not married when we were surprised with Paige.  In fact, the story of us discovering we were pregnant is quite comical.  I'll save that for another post.  I know that Paige and Sean saved me.  They saved me from myself, and from the life I was leading.  I can never show them how thankful I am, nor can I ever repay them.  I find myself watching them both as they sleep and am overcome with emotion.  I never knew love could be this way.  I know every parent says it, but I have the most BEAUTIFUL little girl I've ever laid eyes on.  She literally takes my breath away. 

We are not rich.  We don't drive fancy cars, or own a big house.  In fact, we both drive modest cars, and rent the first floor of a home.  It's a beautiful house, and together we have made it a home.  A home that we can be proud of.  This make us the wealthiest people in the world.  To have love, and each other is all that really matters in this world. 

So this is my story.  I hope that within it's words, one will find humor, inspiration, and truth. 

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