Thursday, September 23, 2010

Paigey Mommy, Puggle Mommy

I can remember being pregnant, laying on my side, with my dog's head laying gently on my stomach.  I used to SWEAR he could hear, or at least sense that there was a life inside of me.  He got more and more protective of me, and even growled at hubby when he came home from work one day.  He had a hoodie on, and was crouched down to play with the dog, but the dog did not find it funny at all.  Of course, once he knew it was Sean, he jumped off the bed and scurried for some play time with his Daddy.

The next puggle-related memory in regards to my pregnancy is the day I went to the hospital to be induced.  I cried leaving the house, knowing it was the last time it'd be the three of us-happy, excited, nervous, and worried that Theodore would not take to the new little person in our home well.

When I was in the hospital, I had Paige sleep on top of a blanket so that it would smell like her.  I sent the blanket home with Sean, and it became Theodore's blanket.  When we finally came home, I gently knelt down with Paige in my arms so Theodore could get a look and a sniff at his little sister.  Then I retreated to Paige's nursery where I wanted nothing more than to sit in my rocker and rock my baby girl.  I actually cried when I did that for the first time.  It was like all was right with the world.  And what made it even better was that my four legged child came and put his head between my legs.  I knew then that the two of them would be best friends.  I just had no idea exactly what I was getting myself into.

Fast forward 16 months, and they are still best friends.  He creeps into her room when we're putting her to bed so he can get his good night kiss and hug.  He sniffs at her door before we go to bed to make sure she's still there.  He's the first one in her room every morning, and when she wakes up from her nap, he's sitting in front of her door waiting for me to get her.  They play together, snuggle together, even fight together.  One of her first words was "Bubba" which is our nickname for him.  I love to see them playing with each other, and he's always so gentle when she goes to not so gently take a ball or toy from his mouth.  I remember being worried because she would open her mouth to kiss him....imagine Lucy and Snoopy...."ewww doggie germs!"  But I was assured that all is fine, and that she'd eventually grow out of it, which she has.  She still hugs and kisses him.  She greets him when we come home with a big smile and a "Hi Bubba!"  Every single thing Paige eats, Theodore eats too....from Gerber Puffs (affectionately known in our house as baby crack) to her chicken or apples, if Paige gets a bite, so does "her Bubba."  Sean and I often joke that while he may have purchased Theodore before we even met, he was my dog, but now, that's HER dog.  Everywhere Paige goes, so does Theodore.  If the two of them are playing in our living room and I'm starting or cleaning up after a meal and they are too quiet, I know they are up to no good.  And comically enough, they will sometimes tell on each other.  She'll come and say "Mommy....Bubba" and he'll just dance around me until I follow him to see what his partner-in-crime has done.  At the end of playtime, they both curl up on the couch next to each other...sometimes she'll even lay ON TOP of him, and they'll relax watching some Nick Jr.  I had no idea an animal could be so completely gentle.  He loves her so much, and she loves him....sometimes TOO much.  She'll wrap her arms around his belly and rest her head on his back and just hug him.  He'll stand there and let her for as long as she wants.  I love to watch them love.  

I remember worrying (this is going to sound silly, but I blame it on my hormones) that Theodore was going to think we ruined his life by bringing another little person into the house to love.  But like humans, a dog's heart just expands to make more space for more love.  He realizes she is "part of the pack"  and views her as perhaps the most important.  After all, she is the most fragile, the most loving, not to mention she shares all of her food with him.  Yes, I did wonder how he would react, I just never in my wildest dreams in a millions years imagined he would be as wonderful a "big brother" as he has turned out to be.  I joke that I have two children, a two-legged one and a four-legged one.  But looking at them, I think you'd agree.  I think if he could answer and you asked him...he'd say that she was the best thing that ever happened to him.  He gained a playmate, a snuggle mate, and a little sister. 

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