Monday, September 20, 2010

My Daughter, My Shadow, My Sponge

This morning, I woke up, made myself a cup of tea, made pancakes for Paige and I, and got in the shower.  Normally I let her just play in the bathroom with some toys while I shower, but on occasion I take her in the shower with me.  Today was one of those days.  I brought her in the shower, washed up, washed her up, and out we got.  I wrapped myself in a towel, and did the same for her.  After I put her diaper on her, I went into my bedroom to put lotion on and get dressed.  I propped my leg up on the foot of the bed (our bed is pretty low to the ground).  Paige scooted her way next to me, and what did she do?  She put her leg up on the bed right next to mine and rubbed her leg.  I am amazed by her on a daily basis.  We have a book that my hubby and I have read to Paige on a near daily basis, Toes, Ears, and Nose.   I have memorized the book, and Paige has memorized what is under each flap, so if I recite the poem to her (ie: "inside my mittens I've got...") she will show me what is being hidden under the flap.  So she knows where her fingers, toes, ears, nose, elbow (sometimes), knees, belly button, teeth, tongue, and eyes are.  The cutest part of the book is at the end, where the baby is hiding under the blanket, and you find "all of me!" Paige absolutely loves that part. 

I cannot believe how quickly she absorbs information, and how much of my behavior she mimics.  One thing I did that she emulated was telling our dog to "shut up" when he was a barking maniac.  I wasn't yelling or anything and I said it with love but Paige proceeded to follow me around going "shuh up Bubba, shuh up!"

It's so fun, and intriguing to watch her learn things.  From motor skills to new words, to holding a crayon, to putting on clothes or shoes, I love to watch her brain work.  Additionally I have learned that everything from "putting my pee-pee in the potty" to covering my mouth if I sneeze is a lesson.  Not only is she a sponge absorbing new information every minute of every day, but I'm the faucet that provides the information.  She was always a "little me" according to my hubby....stubborn, strong minded, and vocal about her wants.  Now, she's learning everything she knows from me.  I'm so proud of how advanced I view her to be.  She has a very extensive vocabulary- she knows well over 15 words, and uses most of them in context.  She follows simple directions ("get Mommy your juice cup" or "sit down so Mommy can put your shoes on"), and she will ask for things she wants ("I want juice", "I want apple", "I want uppie" are some of her favorites).  It's such a joy to be a mother and a teacher to your child.  I just have to keep in mind that school is ALWAYS in session.

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